Mondayitis is the feeling of weariness and general distress that individuals feel when starting Monday morning work week. It’s typically expected to follow the excitement of the weekend as the ‘non-workdays’ seem to come slow and leave fast. Before you know it, you’re waking up to the sound of your alarm before the sun rises to a new week. You suddenly stop and realize you haven’t completed the tasks you had on your to-do list and now it’s growing even longer.
For many of us, this can be overwhelming and difficult to conquer at the beginning of the week. We have great news - it doesn’t have to be. We’re back with our Digital Advantage team to give you six simple and effective ways to kickstart your week off right. No more manic Monday’s...who’s with us?
1. Set Your Weekly Goals
These can be related to your work- and day-to-day life. Whether it’s following a bedtime, prepping your meals or enforcing deadlines on specific projects, setting realistic goals for yourself is a great way to get out of your comfort zone and practice self-control. These skills will also help you become a more productive and well-rounded individual as you learn to master them.

It’s just as important to keep a list of your completed goals, as well. Reward yourself no matter how small the accomplishment is - progress is progress. Plus, this will help give you something to look forward to and that’s motivation in itself. Make a candlelit bath, a new book, or a Netflix binge night an incentive. These simple, yet impactful moments of self-love will not only give you a confidence boost, but will help rejuvenate and prevent negative thoughts like self-doubt.
2. Find Inspiration Around Every Corner
You come across a lot of stimulants throughout your day whether you realize it or not. The key is to take advantage of these things and transmute them into motivation. This will result in the right mindset of focusing on the positive influences around you.
It’s as easy as turning on your favorite podcast, watching YouTube videos of relatable people offering daily affirmations or listening to your favorite Spotify playlist that gets you going. Another great way to get inspired, if you have more time on your hands, are Ted Talks. These influential videos not only motivate through storytelling, but offer advice on various issues like business, health and lifestyle, finances, and relationships.
3. Maintain a Positive and Optimistic Mindset
This may be one of the most important factors to start your week off on the right foot. Going into the new week with a positive and optimistic mindset can affect your productivity and efficiency. What you think, you become. We’re human, so it’s completely normal to experience dark clouds, but keep in mind they will pass. Focus on the good things surrounding you and watch how that energy radiates.
Practice this every morning by creating a mantra you can recite. Remember, while you’re reciting this put all your intentions into it. If you don’t have the capacity to do so yet, try waking up to meditation music, stretching and avoid touching your phone at all costs.

4. Take Advantage of the Weekend
Weekends are great for relaxing and taking the time to rest for the busy week to come. However, take advantage of the time that others are choosing not to. As the saying goes, if you fail to plan then you are planning to fail. Even if it’s allotting some time to get re-organized and prioritize your upcoming week’s goals, it will save you time during the week that you could be putting towards more important tasks.
By designating these days as your planning days, you are giving yourself the time to thoroughly plan for success. It’ll also help you feel at ease when Monday’s roll around because all you need to do is execute the plan that you already have.
5. Pick an Affirmation for the Week
Select a positive affirmation that will help you with any challenges you may face in the upcoming week. Screenshot it and set it as your screensaver, write it down whenever you’re starting to feel overwhelmed, or hang it up somewhere in your environment so you will repeatedly see it throughout your day. Thanks to technology, you can even download apps and sign up for affirmation subscriptions that will automatically send to your technological devices whenever you so choose.
6. Don’t Skip Breakfast
Contrary to popular belief, breakfast can be the most important meal of the day. It’s the energy you use to start your day off and it doesn’t have to be complicated. If you’re running off only one cup of coffee, chances are you’re going to crash midday. Try substituting your coffee run or a quick bowl of cereal with something more nutritious like protein pancakes or a meal replacement beverage that's packed with vitamins and minerals to positively impact your day.
There are a lot of benefits that come with kick-starting your morning to a healthy breakfast.
Many studies have linked it to good health, including better memory and concentration of lower levels of ‘bad’ cholesterol. Think about it this way - if your body doesn’t get that fuel from food, you may feel zapped of energy because your body isn’t getting the nutrients it needs.